Book Review : On The Right Track
Author : Marion Jones
My Rating : 4 out of 5 stars
The complete title for this small book is quite long "On the Right Track: From Olympic Downfall to Finding Forgiveness and the Strength to Overcome and Succeed".
Marion Jones was the superstar of the 2000 Olympics, winning 5 medals. Later she lied under oath when questioned by federal agents about performance enhancing drugs made by the infamous BALCO. After a many months, she came clean on her own. Unfortunately, she received the maximum sentence for this offense and spent 6 months in a jail. Her medals were taken away, she was financially broke, lost her home via foreclosure and well, everything was bleak.
This is her story, in her own words about her struggle to get back to normal life. It's a touching, honest account of her feelings.
There is very little in this book about Marion Jones before she went to prison. This is not an auto-biography. This is a long monologue containing her guilty plea, her difficult journey to get back to normal life, her love for her family and how faith helped her.
Marion Jones is not a very good author. The book lacks coherency - but she makes it up for all that and more, by her truthfulness, maturity and honesty. She owns it up, admits her own mistake, doesn't try to transfer the blame, and stays completely non-controversial. The honesty is refreshing and striking. It's impossible to not be moved by her ordeal and her approach to stay positive. The book overall is inspiring, and your heart goes out to her.
What she did requires tremendous courage, very few people can manage to do it. And I can only salute her for that and thank her for writing this book. God bless her !
This is one more book I decided to read because of watching an interview on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show". Happy that I have read it, I can definitely recommend it.